Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wanted: Participants for the Summer of Love.

summer of love.gif (36693 Byte)

Me: "Hubbs, I have an idea"

Hubbs: "ok" (I have LOTS of ideas so he is used to this)

Me: "I have been thinking that maybe we could do something fun and different this summer"
(in my mind I am picturing ideas from here, here, and here)

Hubbs: a little hesitation than, "what do you have in mind)

because let's be honest, sometimes my ideas are WAY out there. Like how I think we should live in Australia. No job there? BAA! Who cares! Let's just go

Me: "Summer starts on the 21st. That's in a few weeks. So, I was thinking that everyday until the end of summer we can do acts of love. EVERY DAY. "
(I can't see his face since we are laying in bed but I can only imagine...)
"It doesn't have to be very big. (because I know he is adding up the costs) But just little things each day, like a letter or leaving a note somewhere or....

Hubbs: "That's a great idea!"

Me: "Really?" I mean, "yeah, it is a good idea. If course it is!"

And thus begins our summer of love. Are you going to participate?


Matt and Angelica said...

Love this! And most definitely love the Australia idea. Job or no job :)

THE SMITHS said...

what a great idea! I am going to participate for sure. Thanks for the great idea!

kiana said...

i like this idea!

Shelby Osmond said...

Cute idea, i'm in :)

makana said...

Day one done it is a success!

I am realizing that this is mostly me, (makana) you get to read about in this blog. Hmm... well, lucky you! :)