Makana surprised me today with a text while I was at work that said "Happy Birthday to Grandpa!" I'd forgotten it was his birthday, but Makana remembers everyone's birthdays. Then when I came home I saw this: (a banner that said "Happy Birthday Grandpa")
Yes, Harold Stanley Madsen was born on April 23rd and although he left us a few years ago (and sadly Makana never got to meet him) he still is a big influence in my life. I thought we would celebrate with some of my favorite stories about him. I shared one of his favorite poems with Makana and I performed it the way he would. Those who heard it know what I am talking about.
"The Lord in His wisdom created the fly...
But then he forgot to tell us why!"
I believe that was written by Ogden Nash. Another favorite of his that he would often quote to us was The Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. It is a bit longer, but you can enjoy it
here. You see, Grandpa was an English professor and he loved literature of all forms. He also was a terrific writer and wrote a biography of his earlier years (up to about the time he got married) and gave it to all the extended family as a gift for Christmas one year. I was a teenager at the time, but I loved it and loved learning about Grandpa. He lived a great and interesting life. He served a mission as a young man at a time when not everyone was expected to go(and then three more with my Grandma...they would have served more if it weren't for the health issues that made them stop), served his country in WWII and, one of the best things, is an alumni of Jordan High. We would even sing the fight song together on occasion.
Later he was stricken with ALS or Lou Gherig's disease. He was determined to finish the second part of his autobiography even though he could no longer type. He got some transcribing software and worked on it until he was finished, which he did just a short time before he passed away. All that knew him loved him. In fact, my Uncle Chris' brother was in town last year with his family and I found out that they lived in Lehi. I told him my grandparents lived there. They asked me their names and I told them and they both started raving about how they were the neatest people that they knew and that the whole ward just loved and admired the Madsens.
Some of my favorite memories from Grandpa. He had a great sense of humor. One time when my family was visiting we asked him why they kept the blinds closed. He got a smirk and said, "Oh, I just don't want the neighbors to see Grandma running around in her bikini."
Another time I was at lunch with he and my grandma and my mom. He was in a wheel chair at this time and had trouble doing any physical activity. He insisted on picking up the heavy glass of water and drinking. I asked him why he just didn't use the straw. He didn't answer, but Grandma turned to me and said, "He's thinks it's too feminine to drink out of a straw."
I also noticed that he was the first one off the chair when somebody walked into the room so he could offer his. This occurred even when he could barely stand. We had to firmly tell him, "Grandpa no, you need to sit more than we do."
Now I've been around a lot of old people and I see a lot of them get frustrated, cranky or angry, but I can honestly say that I never saw my Grandpa get angry or even be cranky in the slightest.
He loved serving in the Temple even when he was ailing. I had the cherished experience one time in college when I went to the temple one day and much to my surprise he was working there and got to serve me while I did the work. We were both surprised, but thrilled to see one another.
There are so many other experiences that I can share, but I'll leave those for another time. We love you Grandpa. We can't wait to see you again.