Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas

Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth, and transport the traveler back to his own fireside and quiet home! I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. -Charles Dickens

We spent Christmas 2009 in Sacramento with my family I grew up in. We were missing three people this year, Leilani, Robbie (in Hawaii lucky duck) and Jon (on a mission in Denver). And so, In the spirit of the season when all hearts are a little softer and we can remember our dear Lord and Savior and his birth, my prayer is that I, like Mr. Dickens, will honor Christmas in my hear all year.

Here are some of the highlights:

Family picture. this is what most of my pictures look like since the hubbs is tall

And a kiss under the mistletoe...

Jaedyn and her cousin Mason Man. She used to try and sit on him but he is big enough now to take care of himself
Christmas time is a time for playing games with each other

Since before I was born my mom has made these for every classroom at school. She made an extra one for a family we know with lots of little mouths to enjoy all the sweets. I got to help and it brought back a LOT of equally sweet memories. (if you can't tell, this is a really big gingerbread house covered in all sorts of candy)
Kiana and her favorite toys. :)
Leialoha. Apparently all she asked for was this robe. I admit... I am a little jealous
me and my gram. I love her. She is my inspiration for so many things in life
Playing hide and seek. And at moms house the possibilities are endless!
Jeffery got his snuggie... nice cheetah print LOL!

1 comment:

McKay said...

Yeah that camera is awful now...sigh

I am realizing that this is mostly me, (makana) you get to read about in this blog. Hmm... well, lucky you! :)