Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Rock slide

During our trip we went for a hike. I typically do not enjoy hikes. I used to. Then I went to Hawaii and the hikes there ruined me for any other hikes. In Hawaii, you go on a hike and end up generally at a beautiful, breathtaking waterfall and pool to swim in. I just think that walking around the side of a mountain is a little boring. I mean, I could be home crafting! :)

In a valiant effort to enjoy the things the hubby enjoys, I have tried to always say yes to anything he wants to do. (since he always tells me yes) This, sadly for me, included hiking. On the bright side, we live in Houston and hiking does not exist. So when we had a chance to go in California, I cheerfully said "yes!" And I am happy I did. We had a great time as the pictures below will show.

this was AFTER we were done. McKay and Harry Potter. It warms my heart

This is little McKay, my cousin. His little brother is named Tanner. Funny eh?
The famous Rock slide. You should have seen them trying to get up. Most cheated and went up the back.
The kids having another go at it. I need one of these in my backyard. It kept them entertained for hours!
Does this remind you of anything. Think: Seven Dwarfs.

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I am realizing that this is mostly me, (makana) you get to read about in this blog. Hmm... well, lucky you! :)