Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ode to Harry Potter

I can't help it. I like Juvenile fiction. And I have managed to take McKay down this road with me. (last night he remarked that the FHE lesson would be on "How Harry Potter relates to the Gospel). Surprised? Don't be. He is now on his 3rd Harry Potter book on CD and last weekend, I cast final look on my way out the door to an all engrossed hubby on the couch watching Prisoner of Azkaban. My life is complete.

So today while the child naps (at least I am telling myself that while I am full aware that she has decided to sneak out of bed to play with her toys) I was sorted. Sorted? What are you talking about. In answer to that all I can say that if you do not know what sorted is... well... I just do not know if this friendship can continue.

WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="130" ALT="Want to Get Sorted?">

a Gryffindor!

And while I am touting my love of Juvenile Fiction, I will tell you I am looking forward to this


Tina said...

I'm very proud of you and your success with McKay. Tyler rented #6 on Friday for me (since I hadn't seen it yet) and he swore to me he would try to stay awake and ask questions but he only got about 30 min. into it and he was gone. To be honest, I couldn't answer most of his questions because I don't know much. I would love to talk to any Harry Potter fan because I want to know what happens in #7, without having to read the book. Any takers? Well, not everything thing...

McKay said...

Nerd :)

Alese said...

So I love Harry Potter too! I made Curtis read them as well. I have another book that you will like if you like Harry Potter. It's called Fablehaven. It's a series too...don't blame me if you get sucked in though! :) LOVE IT!

Lori and Brian Faulconer said...

I'm kind of surprised, I'm a Hufflepuff. I thought the questions were pretty obvious... oh well,, we can't all be Gryffingor!

I am realizing that this is mostly me, (makana) you get to read about in this blog. Hmm... well, lucky you! :)