But, on the upside, these little gems are now longer being kept hidden from me.
Check out this one for instance. Cute Mason with his even cuter uncle McKay... although this is a particularly strange face he is making
we may look like adults but its really a family of three kids
So I am back. One of my resolutions was to be a better blogger (this has nothing to do with Makana's recent post; I actually started this before she posted hers). Well we all came back to Houston from Sacramento sick. You wouldn't recognize it as Houston though with how cold it has been lately. The other night it dipped below 20! I think that said an all time record for that day in Houston. It's actually been happening all across the South. What's that Al Gore? Huh? You want to give back the Nobel and all the money you've earned? How generous of you! Seriously, I just don't understand how those clowns can go on fooling everyone when we have record breaking cold temperatures like this. I was told recently by a friend to do "some science reading" because of my skepticism. Whatever.
So since we had all been sick, I got to thinking about health care and doctors specifically lately. Jaedyn got sick in Sacramento and then I got sick in Sacramento and then Makana threw up in Sacramento and then Jaedyn threw up on the plane ride home and then we all got worse after we got home. Basically we have been sick all week. Jaedyn wasn't sleeping well at all and woke up with a high fever for several consecutive nights. It has been miserable. I'm not telling this for sympathy, I don't want sympathy and I'll delete your comment if you give sympathy:) . I just want to give the background for my thoughts. People who know have asked what the doctor has advised for Jaedyn. Well that's just it. We have avoided taking her to the doctor because it really hasn't been more than a fever and most times the doctor doesn't know more than what a quick Internet search can give you.
My problem is that a majority of people see doctors as having a wealth of information so that when they get sick the doctor will be able to diagnose them with 100% accuracy and then prescribe medicine that will instantly cure them. The new Dr. Pepper commercials are telling of this fact. You know the ones where the celebrity "doctors" tell us "trust me, I'm a doctor." Of course they mean it in a humorous way because none of them are actually doctors, but the thinking behind it is that a doctor just knows. This wouldn't bother me except even if they can't do anything for you, they still take your money and it's a lot of money. You basically have to sell your one foot to save the other. Furthermore, I pay about $365 a month for insurance that basically guards against catastrophe. It has a $3500 per person deductible, which come to think of it isn't that hard to get to the way hospitals charge now days.
JD and I had this conversation tonight. He got this rash all over his back that he thinks was from cologne. He looked up some of the symptoms on the Internet and apparently didn't do the right search because he ended up going to the ER at 2 in the morning. They waited 4 hours to finally see a Doctor and when they did the Doctor didn't have the slightest clue as to what it was. JD told him that he thought it was the cologne that he had tried on and the Doctor said "Oh yeah, that's probably it." He then gave him some Benadryl and that was it. He was more than happy to take the $400 that JD was charged for his "knowledge" though. I'm actually surprised that some enterprising individuals haven't capitalized more on this. I've got a few ideas myself, too bad I'm not a doctor. Now don't get the wrong idea. I'm not anti-doctor (or medicine); I believe they do a tremendous work and they know a lot more about the subject than me. I was just thinking about the silliness of the situation. It's just one more problem that we'll never be able to solve ourselves. Another reason I enthusiastically anticipate Christ's governing of the Earth.
Come to think of it, I actually kind of get a taste of this as a chemical engineer. In my two years of "professional work", I have been approached on occasion so to impart my omnipotent knowledge on an engineering or chemical subject. Some people think that if there is a question about any chemical that I will know exactly what to do. After all, isn't that what I went to school for? Maybe I ought to take advantage of that... "Trust me, I'm a chemical engineer." Ah, doesn't have the same ring to it.