Thursday, January 21, 2010

Make it {all} Myne

That's right folks, go ahead. Click on or this. I dare you. And for the extra adventurous, become a follower or leave a comment. I don't mind you blog stalkers there. But be warned, since I am the master-mind behind it, you will just love each and every delicious post. When you decide to host a dinner or have a birthday party or plan a wedding, forget the ghostbusters, just call Make it Myne Celebrations.... a work of many years of schooling put into practice.


Bemily said...

I don't know if I can wait until July or August for craft week!! Maybe this baby will come early. HA! - Thanks for the good talk last night. You are the absolutely best. Love ya!!

Jake and Kari Williams said...

Makana, I just looked at the Make It Myne blog . . .it is fantastic!!!!! I am definitely going to be looking at it regularly!!! You are sooo creative!!!!

I am realizing that this is mostly me, (makana) you get to read about in this blog. Hmm... well, lucky you! :)