Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween...brought to you by the Newton family

I just thought of something. Why do I even bother blogging. With few exceptions (like my friends Rick and Nate or my brother JD or brother-in-law Brandon) my male family and friends don't blog, nor, I believe, do they even read our blog. I know this because I read their (or their wives' blogs). So my audience in writing this is my wife's friends many of whom don't know me. Oh well, like I said, I read my friends' wives' blogs and even comment sometimes so I guess that's not too big a deal.We had a great Halloween. On Friday, I went to work as "Cloudy with a Chance of Rain". I taped cotton balls to me and then when people asked me what I was, I replied, "cloudy, with a chance of rain" and would then spray them with a spray bottle I was toting around (thanks Lexi for the great idea!). This is the first time where the majority of people that I worked with dressed up for Halloween. It was far better than it was last year at the same company where only the sales department dressed up (at my encouraging). I think that influenced others to join in this year. Of the 15 people that were there, 11 dressed up, not bad odds!

That night we went to a Halloween party thrown by our friends Jimmy and Julie Newton (aka: Elphaba and Dracula) who live in our same apartment complex. Julie loves Halloween and really gets into it. It was a fabulous party.
Jaedyn won the costume contest as a little witch and Makana and I "complimented her" by going as a cat and cauldron, respectively. (makana here: McKay was an amazing cauldron!)

(Hah! I finally got that annoying fly that was flying around here for the past half an hour! I think I'm going to leave it on the desk for Makana to see) hee hee hee

Saturday was the ward trunk or treat. My dry ice from the previous night had evaporated in the freezer (who would have thunk?) so half of my costume was ruined. I just went with a Nacho Libre mask. Later we went up to another party at Julie's parent's place (hence the title) and had a trunk or treat there along with hayrides.
They have several acres of land up there complete with a catfish pond, barn, and farm animals. Our crazy Jaedyn even managed to soak herself in 4 inches of water by falling off a footbridge. After crying for a few seconds she was ready to get back on the bridge and to try walking on the sharp rocks after the bridge. That girl has no fear.

Anyway, hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween!

yes, our little family on a hay ride! YEE HAWW! We are so good looking I can't stand it!
makana here again: I love chickens. Ill explain later.


Jennifer Kremer Oliva said...

I read it... if it makes you feel better :) Cute halloween costumes.

The Parrys said...

CUTE! thats so awesome that she won the halloween costume contest! her outfit is adorable! you all look so cute. what a great idea! and makana.... I just have to tell you that you really are SO gorgeous!

Tina said...

Wow!! Rarely is there a husband that writes on his wife's blog. Good going McKay. I loved your costume for work and the spray bottle... that was FANTASTIC!! Everyone needs a little "trick" with their treats on Halloween. It looks like you made the most out of the holiday. Can't wait to be with you on Thanksgiving.

Elisabeth (and Tyler) said...

I love you guys :) And I LOVE that you blog, McKay. Keep it up.. I think you're going to be a trend setter.

Marc and Miriam Deru said...

Wow. McKay dressed up in three different costumes this Halloween? Impressive. Makana, your teeth look very white. I like the cat. And Little Miss Jaedyn, you make one adorable witch. Fun, guys!

MyPremierDesigns said...

LOVE Jaedyns boots!!! I want some for Kalea.....good job Mckay for writing clif would never post something...but he does enjoy reading what I write...i'll take it!

Kyle said...

While I don't write blogs myself, I read these things once a month or so to check in on my old friends!

Good to hear from you.

kaysi van dyke fox said...

she is SOOOOOOOO adorable!!! :)

Jake and Kari Williams said...

I love Jaedyn's little black boots!!!! What a fun Halloween! I love the cloudy with a chance of rain McKay!!! I may have to steal that idea! Also, keep blogging McKay-- maybe it will inspire Jake to add a post or two on our blog :)

Angela said...

Cute costumes! I just love the Cloudy with a chance of Rain, cracked me up!

JDizzle said...

Mckay, at least your wife does the majority of the blogging, McCall leaves that up to me. I think I liked your cauldron outfit better than your cloud outfit, I felt like I was in competition when I looked at it for some reason.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

I am realizing that this is mostly me, (makana) you get to read about in this blog. Hmm... well, lucky you! :)